You are a god and the guardian of Isla Fuego. Humans came to settle on your island and your task is to stop them. The humans need wood to build their houses, so you can use your abilities to create fire on the island and stop the invaders from expanding.

This game is also hostet on a static webpage at (the playable game above is just an iframe to that page)


  • If there are more than 100 humans on the island, you lose
  • If there is no more wood for the humans to use, you win


[W][A][S][D] - move camera

[shift] + [W][A][S][D] - move camera faster

[LMB] - create a fire

-- PATCH 1 --

  • made fire spread horizontally and vertically instead of diagonally
  • make fire spread speed less dependent on human count


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I won but i think it is a bug of your game. the fire expand hyper fastly in one second. But good work, the idea is cool

 The fire expands faster when there are more humans, but because the amount of humans grows exponentially the fire tends to expand really fast sometimes

I tried 5 times, I have no idea how you can win the humans expanding way to fast

i won, and all you had to do was burn the houses and hope that it spreads enough to burn the trees